shabby bg

Friday, February 25, 2011

It really is time to go to bed.But what a great Friday it was! Joel,Riina and little Olivia stopped to return the trailer. Lots of plans for the B&B,  food circle, organic farming.....

I'm so done with the winter. With ice. With snow. with cold wind making my skin red and rough. Please spring come!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Winter just continues

and with freezing weather. Through the window everything looks amazing in the bright sunlight, but the temperature never reaches warmer than -15 centigrades...
 I have to entertain myself by redecorating the house and baking with kids.

 And making them fool around since being outside is almost inpossible. Onni is still sleeping outside in the pram but Emmi-Sofia is stuck indoors, poor girl!