shabby bg

Friday, December 16, 2011

Forest Therapy

All the snow is gone, all of it. Our farm  yard is super muddy and dirty, and not much kids can do (well, they DO love playing in the mud, but then there is mom's side of things, too....) so I took them to relax into the forest. That is really Finnish thing (at least for country people) to go into the forest as a mad, bad person and come back as clear thinking, completely relaxed and better person. Free, efficient, fun -what else can you ask for! 

Since there is the Irish side as well, we had to take some tea with us. And "pulla", sort of cinnamon bread.

 Since it is our own forest, I had some tools with me to get small spruces and branches to decorate (my) front porch (Irish's back porch -these cultural differences....)

 Emmi-Sofia went to give foxes some pulla....

 ... and disappeared!

 At the end of the therapy trip, we had one very happy daughter, one semi-happy Mother and one really upset young son, who was too small to stay on his feet on such uneven ground!

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