shabby bg

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

This week's challenge
1: Macro/Close-Up
Karen Blixen Still blooming!

2: Found Texture
Sheep skin. I though i'll never have dead animal on my house, but oh welll...Love it!
3: Home

Two years ago our home looked like this

4: Cover
My note book where I write down photo ideas. The book is on the cover of the table hand made by my Grand father in the farming school in early 1930's

5: The Tree

Old maple tree in our garden


  1. Your macro is gorgeous! When I saw it on Ashley's website I thought it was snow or ice cream

    Artful Rising

  2. Lovely shots. The first and last are my favourites.

  3. Love your macro.
    Thanks so much for your comment on my photos.


  4. Love the home shot...must have been great to see your house built. My husband and I watched our apartment building being built and that was great.
